Monday, June 8, 2009


most of you know landonbug...
well, meet soccerbug!
One of the soccer moms took some great pictures of all our kids
and gave them to us on a CD. (thanks Tara!)
We're getting ready to start a new season with a "new team"
we've kept most of the original players and added a few great players!
It's going to be a great season for


we love watching you, Land!

(photos courtesy of Tara)

my 5...
1. the new KFC grilled chicken.
2. and do I dare admit that I like their mac-n-cheese?
3. and their biscuits?
4. ok enough KFC, it's a bit of a love affair right now.
5. homemade oreos.
wow. all five about food.


LL said...

amen to KFC. LOVe their mac N cheese :)
Landon is all around athletic!
I had to thank you for inspiring me to take baseball pics.
I finally took my real camera to the game and took a bunch of pictures. I did and then in the third inning he broke his thumb. SO glad I have those pictures, since he's out for the season!

Emily said...

awesome pictures.
awesome landon.
awesome kfc? haven't tried it.

Sue said...

ooooo...i've been wanting to try the grilled chicken