Thursday, September 27, 2007
Grandparents Day!
Today was Grandparents day in Lincoln's class! He had a lot of fun with my mom doing different activities. As an added bonus she took him to the gas station after for a treat! I thought this was such a fun idea! I'm glad my mom was able to go with Lincoln~! Thanks a bunch, mom!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Jensyn and her BFF's!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Card Friday
Every Friday my sister Heather and my mom come over to play cards and have lunch. I look forward to this day every week! It's really fun because Heather lives up in Oakley and so this way I get to see her on a regular basis. (We are posing with our cards and diet cokes, of course!) It's super fun!

...side note: We were talking about kissing and Jensyn said to my sister:
Jensyn: "You married Ryan. That means you have to kiss him forever"!
12 years...
Happy Anniversary Shawn! We have deliberated and decided to go another 12! (J/K) This is Shawn reading my card. We tried to get a picture together but none of them turned out so good, it couldn't be the extra weight I'm carrying around, I'm sure! (hee hee).
-------------------------I LOVE YOU BABE!-----------------------

-------------------------I LOVE YOU BABE!-----------------------

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
"The Granitelot"
It's typical for me to look out my window and see this lot. All boys from just our street out playing football. (The day after Lincoln's mishap, no less) ((Lincoln was two-touch only, no tackle, I made them promise, every one of them, with the scout promise)). It makes me happy that three of all these boys are mine. :)

There's: (big breath) Jaxon, Tanner, Tyler, Geoffrey, Landon, Trevor, Lincoln, Emett, Ethan, Sam, Jonas and Jason. Whew!

poor Lincoln...
Lincoln fell off of his bike yesterday, head first. This is a picture of him in the ER. He did manage a smile. He has a concussion and has "perseveration" (which means he can't hold a thought for very long and keeps asking us why his head hurts)...his CAT scan came back normal. Thank goodness for your tough noggin Lincoln! We love you. And from now on...helmets all around.

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Lincoln strikes again!
Shawn and the boys had the opportunity to go to the U game today (thanks to Ryan and Heather!!!) and we were asking Lincoln if he would rather go to the game or play in his soccer game. His reply:
"Mom, I don't want to let my team up".
"Mom, I don't want to let my team up".
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The fairy seed...
Jensyn and I planted a "fairy seed" today...We planted a "princess fairy" seed and then we constructed this fairy garden (thanks Em!). We are hoping she will come and visit us! Everyone knows that if there is a trail of glitter, she has visited! Jensyn is over-the-top excited and keeps checking to see if a fairy came. We'll let you know (wink)...(to be continued...)

Landon's soccer game--
Landon had his first soccer game with his comp team (his city league from last season formed a comp. team). They are a really good little team. They tied the game and Landon had a few really close goals!!! He did GREAT!
I regret to inform all, though, that Shawn is one of "those" dads... (see pics below)

Jaxon was cracking us up from the sidelines as a mini-ref. You gotta love him!
I regret to inform all, though, that Shawn is one of "those" dads... (see pics below)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
All of my kids have nicknames. I decided to make a list of all of them. I realized that some of them we only used when they were babies and some we still use or change as they get older. Nicknames make us feel special, somehow, don't they?

Jaxon: Jaxonian, Jax, Jaxy, cracker-Jax, Jax-attacks, Jaxon-son, JJ-smoothie, J-man, Big-J, J-dude.

Jaxon: Jaxonian, Jax, Jaxy, cracker-Jax, Jax-attacks, Jaxon-son, JJ-smoothie, J-man, Big-J, J-dude.
Landon: Landy, Landy bandy, Landonbug, Land-rover, L-man, Land-O, Big-L.
Lincoln: Linc, Linky, Lincoln-log, log (I nixed this one), Linc stink, LJ, Little L, SUPERFLUDGE (how could I forget?!) Also, smiley and permagrin.
Jensyn: PRINCESS (this should be the first one! Thanks anonymous), Baby-Sister-angel-girl, Jensy, Jensy-Ju, Jensy-June, angel doll, dolly, dolly-pie, sweet dolly, dolly-girl, sweet baby girl, baby girl, baby-sis, sis, baby sissy, sissy, dolly-sis, brown-eyed girl, sweety-sis, Jensyn-Juniper-Lee-Jones, Juniper, Junebug, juneybug, juney, ju-ju, ju-ju bee, beautiful girl, beautiful sweet pie, sweet angel pie.....................What?!
(Heather, I know your rolling your eyes!)
(Kelly, thanks for the photog tip!)
The Color Test
This took me two tries. If you're bored, try this color test:
Saturday, September 8, 2007
baby Stratton!
soccer, soccer and SOCCER
All four kids are playing soccer this fall...so Saturday is now devoted to soccer, soccer and SOCCER. Landon plays on Wednesday night, so that will help a little bit. We started bright and early this morning at 8 a.m. with Jensyn. They won! (I don't think Jensy's foot touched the ball once). Then we had a game for Jaxon at 1:30, he did great!! He has been working and practicing really hard and it paid off! Then Lincoln had a game at 3. He scored two goals!
Jensyn for the "Bluebells"...
Jaxon for the blue sharks...
Lincoln chatting with Uncle Scott at Jaxon's game (thank you everyone for coming)...
Jaxon running hard--I'm a proud soccer mom...
Lincoln for the "orange fire balls" (this is a fun one to yell from the sidelines!) Slurpees all around, courtesy of Grandpa Scott!

Friday, September 7, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
U CAN LEARN- Jaxon's first day of school!
For those of you who haven't been to my house yet, here is a picture...but please come and visit me!!!!! My favorite part of our house is our porch. We have a northern exposure, so it's always in the shade. I love to come out here and sit and relax or read a book, basically act like I have nothing else in the world to do!!! I know the rockers are a little ma and pa-ish, but I love it!

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